Sileo 100
High efficient exhaust fans with stylish design for new enhanced comfort in bathrooms. Maximum air flow - 97 m³/h.
Sileo Design DC 100
High-performance low noise extract fans with energy-efficient DC motors. Maximum air capacity up to 93 m³/h.
Smart exhaust fans with stylish design for enhanced comfort in bathrooms, shower rooms, kitchens. Maximum air flow: up to 133 m³/h.
Smart IR
Smart exhaust fans with stylish design for enhanced comfort in bathrooms, shower rooms, kitchens. Maximum air flow: up to 133 m³/h.
Smart IR Wi-Fi
Smart exhaust fans with stylish design for enhanced comfort in bathrooms, shower rooms, kitchens and Wi-Fi control from a smartphone. Maximum air flow up to 133 m³/h.
Smart Wi-Fi
Smart exhaust fans with stylish design for enhanced comfort in bathrooms, shower rooms, kitchens and Wi-Fi control from a smartphone. Maximum air flow up to 133 m³/h.
Trio One 100
Low noise and low power exhaust axial fan with air flow up to 95 m³/h suitable for use in Zone 1