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Air distribution boxes


The air distribution boxes are installed between the air handling unit and the supply and exhaust grilles.
The supply and the exhaust air distribution 
boxes are connected to respective spigots of the air handling unit.

The lock ring (included in the delivery) and the sealing ring (available as a specially ordered accessory) provide airtight connection of the air duct to the flange.

Semi-rigid air ductBlauFast RK Round flangeBlauFast RKF

A number of connected semi-rigid air ducts to the air distribution box depends on number of served rooms and air capacity of the connected air handling unit. Connection is performed through the flanges inserted in the box vents.

Unused vents must be covered with caps. The air ducts are fixed in the spigots with the lock rings. All the system components are rubber sealed for airtight connections.

The unused vents of the air distribution box must be capped. The air distribution boxes are internally lined with
20 mm sound insulation layer