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Blauberg KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300-E S2 white

Compact heat recovery air handling unit. Maximum air flow up to 300 m³/h.
EAN codeEAN4058448047190
  • Description
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Air handling units for efficient supply and exhaust ventilation in flats, houses, cottages and other buildings. The heat recovery technology is used to minimize ventilation heat losses. Control of air exchange for creating comfortable indoor microclimate. Compatible with round Ø 125 mm air ducts.


The unit is equipped with high-efficient external rotor EC motors and centrifugal impellers with forward curved blades. EC motors have the best power consumption to air flow ratio and meet the latest demands concerning energy saving and high-efficient ventilation. EC motors are featured with high performance, low noise level and totally controllable speed range. The impellers are dynamically balanced.



The casing of KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300 … white is made of double-skinned white painted metal panels, internally filled with 20 mm mineral wool layer for heat- and sound-insulation. The spigots are located at the sides of the unit and are equipped with rubber seals for airtight connection to the air ducts. The hinged panel of the casing ensures easy access to the unit internals for service works including cleaning, filter replacement, etc.


The KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300-H … white unit is equipped with a plate cross-flow polystyrene heat exchanger for heat recovery. The unit condensate is collected and drained to the drain pan under the heat exchanger. The KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300-E … white unit is equipped with an enthalpy plate cross-flow heat exchanger for energy (heat and humidity) recovery. Due to humidity recovery condensate is not generated in the enthalpy heat exchanger. The air flows are completely separated in the heat exchanger. Thus smells and contaminants are not transferred from the extract air to the supply air. Heat recovery is based on heat and/or humidity transfer through the heat exchanger plates. In the cold season supply air is heated in the heat exchanger by transferring the heat energy of warm and humid extract air to the cold fresh air. Heat recovery minimizes ventilation heat losses and heating costs respectively. In the warm season the heat exchanger performs reverse and intake air is cooled in the heat exchanger by the cool extract air. That reduces operation load on air conditioners and saves electricity. When the indoor and outdoor temperature difference is insignificant, heat recovery is not reasonable. In this case the heat exchanger can be temporary replaced with a summer block for the warm season (available as a specially ordered accessory).


The integrated automatic freeze protection is used to prevent freezing of the heat exchanger in the cold season. The supply fan turns off according to the temperature sensor to get the heat exchanger warmed up with extract air. After that the supply fan turns on and the unit continues to run in the standard mode.


Two built-in G4 and F8 filters provide efficient supply air filtration. The G4 filter is used for extract air filtration.


The KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300-H(E) S2 white unit is equipped with the CDT E/0-10 speed controller that is included in the delivery. The KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300-H(E) S14 white units have an integrated control system with a wall-mounted control panel S14 with a LED indication. The S14 control panel functions:

  • Unit On/Off.
  • Speed selection: Low, Medium or High.
  • Activation of the summer ventilation mode: The supply fan stops and the extract fan continues its operation with no heat recovery.
  • Alarm indication.
  • Filter maintenance indication.

The KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300-H(E) S14 white unit is equipped with a USB connector (Type B) and can be connected to a PC for configuring the advanced settings in a special software:

  • Fan speed adjustment from 0 to 100 %. Each speed is individually adjusted for the supply and the extract fans.
  • Operation control on feedback from the FS2 duct humidity sensor (to be ordered separately).
  • Unit operation setting according to the external control unit (to be ordered separately).
  • Temperature setting for freeze protection system activation.
  • Control and operation adjustment of the filter maintenance timer.
  • External relay status and humidity level control.
  • Software version upgrading.

The units can be fixed to the wall or mounted on the floor using the mounting brackets. The KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300-E … white unit is also suitable for ceiling mounting. The KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300-H … white unit mounting position must provide condensate collection and drainage. While mounting provide free access to the service panel for filter replacement and servicing. Due to universal casing design both left and right mounting is possible. It requires swapping the service and the back panel.

Parameter KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300-E S2 white Measurement unit
Phase 1 ˜
Voltage 230 V
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Power 165 W
Current 1.3 A
Maximum air flow 83 l/s
Maximum air flow 300 m³/h
Sound pressure level at 3 m 33 dBА
Transported air temperature -25...+40 °С
Extract filter G4 -
Supply filter F8, G4 -
Heat recovery efficiency 51...73 %
Humidity recovery efficiency 26...45 %
EC motor yes -
Heat exchanger type cross-flow -
Heat exchanger material enthalpy -
Weight 28 kg
Outdoor mounting no -
Sound-insulated casing yes -
Air duct for round air ducts -
Connection diameter 125 mm
Type Supply and exhaust -
SEC class C -
Mounting ceiling mounting, wall mounting, floor mounting -
ErP 2016, 2018 -
Capacity diagram
Capacity diagram
  • Selection method:
  • Air capacity:
  • Pressure:
Operating point
  • Air capacity: --
  • Pressure: ---
Documents archieve
Documents archieve
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KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300 - data sheet (pdf 1.03Mb)
KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300 - user's manual (pdf 9.27Mb)
KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300-E S2 white - image (png 402.11Kb)
KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300-E S2 white - energy label (pdf 55.12Kb)
KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300-E S2 white - specification (pdf 28.19Kb)
Designation key
Designation key
Series Unit type Motor type Spigot modification Insulation Rated air flow [m³/h]   Heat exchanger type Control Casing
KOMFORT Ultra: compact unit ЕС: electronically commutated motor L: horizontal spigot orientation 2: insulation 20 mm 300 Н: heat recovery
Е: energy recovery
S2: CDT E/0-10 speed controller
S14: sensor control panel with LED indication
white: painted steel

    KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300-E S2 white
G4 panel filter FP 240x184x40 G4
F8 panel filter FP 240x184x40 F8
Silencer SD 125
Backdraft air damper VRV 125
Summer block SB C4 200/240
Additional characteristics
Additional characteristics
Point Total power of the unit [W] Sound pressure level at 3m (1m) [dBA]
1 150 33 (43)
2 138 33 (43)
3 121 32 (42)
4 52 31 (41)
5 48 28 (38)
6 41 27 (37)
7 17 27 (37)
8 16 23 (33)
9 14 23 (33)


Sound power level, A-weighted Octave frequency band [Hz] LpA 3 m LpA 1 m
Total 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
LwA to supply inlet [dBA] 56 48 43 53 44 44 40 26 24    
LwA to supply outlet [dBA] 71 53 53 68 65 60 59 52 51    
LwA to exhaust inlet [dBA] 57 43 51 52 52 45 37 26 21    
LwA to exhaust outlet [dBA] 72 53 60 66 67 61 62 55 48    
LwA to environment [dBA] 53 33 44 47 50 44 38 29 24 33 43

* Data provided for point 1 of the air flow diagram


Model Dimensions [mm]
D B H H1 L L1
KOMFORT Ultra EC L2 300-E S2 white 125 300 443 43 713 810